Divine Condensed Milk Fudge Recipe – No Thermometer Needed

As I’m from Torquay in Devon fudge is very close to my heart along with cream teas! I know everyone who enjoys cooking and baking will have recipes they make and you ask yourself why on earth haven’t I made this before. This is one of those recipes and this fudge is stunning, me and Paulie licked clean any instrument or pot that had a trace of mixture on it as we knew we had to wait an hour or so while it cooled, it really is THAT good. I also read some disaster experiences and I don’t own a thermometer. This recipe is from the Carnation website and it worked a treat.


  • 397g can of carnation condensed milk
  • 150ml semi skimmed milk
  • 115g unsalted butter
  • 450g sugar (I used unrefined light brown sugar)


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a non stick pan. Heat on a low heat until the sugar has dissolved.
  2. Turn up the heat and bring the mixture up to rapid boil, reduce the heat to a simmer and stir continuously for 15 minutes, you will feel the mixture start to thicken. To check if the mixture is ready add a spoonful to a jug of iced water, if it turns to fudge it is ready.
  3. Once your mixture is ready take it off the heat and mix with a hand whisk for 8 minutes then finish off at the end beating by hand (with a wooden spoon) for a couple more minutes.
  4. Tip the mixture into an oiled baking tray and leave to set and cool for a couple of hours.


6 Comments Add yours

  1. Ren Percival says:

    I’ve just found this recipe via pinterest and had to come here to say ‘thank you!!’
    I’ve tried to make fudge a number of times and it has either not set or come out like tablet. Tasting nice, but missing the smoothness of proper fudge.
    This recipe has given me the beautiful smooth, creamy, rich taste that I have dreamt of achieving. I also now have a very happy husband as fudge is his favourite sweet ☺️ Thank you!!


    1. Thank you so much, I’m so pleased it came out so good! My husband loves it too 😃


  2. Gail says:

    ooo, trying tomorrow!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yay, let me know how it goes

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gail says:

        Okay. It was easy. It was delicious. I am wrapping some of it up for a friend who is a bit down in the dumps.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. That’s fantastic, I am sure it will cheer up your friend with tea and a good chat xxxxxx

        Liked by 1 person

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